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Tips and Tricks for Successful Email Marketing Campaign

tips & tricks

Email marketing campaigns play an important part in any marketing strategy. It helps for communication and building relationship with prospective customers, boost marketing ROI and gather important information. It remains as an essential element for marketers. If you miss doing email marketing for your business, then there are chances to see poor results at the end of the campaign. One of the most important things to make your campaign successful is to include a stand out a message when sending an email. Here sharing inbox tested strategies that have made the receivers click and visit the website.

Thousands of successful senders approve these tips.

  • Personalize your email: Most email marketers add the recipient’s name in the email. For example, it could be Dear xxx (recipient’s name). Does the recipient know you? Does the recipient trust you? You have to use the personalization in a right and meaningful way. If the recipient is an existing customer, then you can send personal emails informing about the latest arrivals and products.
  • Subject lines: The subject line has to be crafted in a mature and practical manner. It should make the recipient open and read the mail. Some people tend to create a long or boring subject line, which the recipient will click immediately they see the mail. It should be short, crisp and meaningful. You can add attractive words like offers, free, discount, season sale, etc. to attract the readers. It is tested that subject lines with seventy characters remains beneficial and encourages the readers to open and read the content. Also, the subject lines with forty-nine characters have found to have a good open rate. It has to create a positive impression on the readers. They should know that you are sending some important information to them.
  • Timing: The best timing to start email marketing campaign or send promotional emails is 8.00 PM. You can send until midnight to watch the instant response. It is the time where recipients will be free and take action when they see your email. When you send them during peak business hours, they would either delete it directly or keep the mail without opening. Most of the internet marketers send mail in the late evening or in the night times. The open rate is guaranteed after 8.00 PM, but we cannot guarantee sales. It differs from one business to another.
  • Best content: The content has to be in a free and casual tone. It should not be professional or force the customers to purchase a product. It is best to use free template contents available on the internet. Most people open the mail and check the website because of the content and images. It can remain attractive to their eyes. You need to ensure that the content is clear, accurate and crisp. There should not be any errors in the content. Keep testing, testing and testing to find when the customer opens or clicks your email. When you repeat the process, you would know the response rate and email open rates.


If you are looking for an expert to help you with your email marketing efforts. Then you should avail our Email Marketing Service.

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